As a mom, a day that may never be the same for you again is Mother’s Day. My husband and I are lucky enough to have both of our mothers, so we make the day about them. I also have other children, so I don’t feel that I cannot celebrate the day. If your child was an only child, rest assured you are still their mother. This day is still intended for you to celebrate your motherhood, no matter the length of your child’s life—you are mom forever.
A mom is someone who loves her children unconditionally before they are even born. Moms want nothing more than to see their children happy. A mom often sacrifices her own needs to take care of her children. I realize I am being somewhat stereotypical and exclusive, but I promise I will make a worthy point.
As mothers, we spend time taking care of everyone else in our families and worrying that they are happy. We want to ensure that our partners and our children have all their needs met, and sometimes we get so caught up taking care of others that we forget to take care of ourselves.
For us moms to have the energy to care for others, we must ensure we are caring for themselves first.
If you are a mom, ask yourself right now,
What is one thing I can do to care for myself today?
Erma Bombeck said, “On Mother’s Day, I can think of no mother more deserving than a mother who had to give one back.”
Do something today that makes you feel special.